Friday, 7 November 2014

letter from NFRRBO

NATIONAL FEDERATION OF RRB OFFICERS (0fficers wing of AIRRBEA)    Flat-302, Vishwajyothi Apartments, Turners street, Secunderabad – 500003 , Phone / Fax- 040-2354 6594,  M - 094404 83274                               (President: Sagun Sukla, Ph – 9415126342, Gen. Sec.: S. Venkateswar Reddy)                       (Central Office: Golders Green, 1, Nazrul Islam Avenue, VIP Road, Kaikhali, Kolkata -700052)   Cir no. 9 / nfrrbo                                        Date:5.11.2014                                                                             To - The CC members / Affiliate units of nfrrbo.                                                                                           Dear Comrades, PENSION CASE IN SUPREME COURT On 28th  October 2014, our case has reached for hearing  before the bench of Justice JS Kehar and  Justice Arun Mishra as item number 8 in court hall 6 in the post lunch period. The counsel appearing for GOI has again sought adjournment as her senior is in other court. Our advocates   spontaneously stood in the hall and objected to adjournment.  Hon'ble Justice considering our requests directed the matter to be posted on the next day itself.    On 29th,  our item has been posted as number 2 in court hall 5. Again, the junior advocate sought adjournment for want of senior. Hon’ble justice declined her request and directed the counsel for the respondents to place their arguments. The senior counsel for GOI appeared in the after noon and objected to hearing with out the presence of petitioner. But judge ignored her. The hearings continued for whole day from 10.45 am to 1 pm and again from 2pm to 4 pm. Sofar, only two advocates could place their arguments. Since the court came to end at 4 pm, the case has been part heard and adjourned to 13 th November 2014 for continuation of submissions by other advocates and also the counsel for GOI. We shall utilize the time to review whole developments by our legal committee on 11th, followed by discussions with our advocates as preparation to present our arguments in effective way on 13th. Now, as per the Supreme Court advance cause list, our matter is listed as no.3 on 13th. We are coming nearer to Dada’s dream of  parity of pension  and we shall march ahead in realizing it soon in the Hon’ble Court. Let us look forwards with all confidence …   12 NOVEMBER 2014 -STRIKE IN BANKING INDUSTRY AT THE CALL OF UFBU As you are aware, IBA is very much adamant and there is no progress in the 10th bipartite negotiations.  IBA is offering a paltry 11% raise against our claim of up to 25%. All the efforts of UFBU, including meeting the Hon’ble Finance Minister yielded no result.  Hence UFBU decided to go on series of agitational programmes including a day of nationwide strike on 12th November 2014 and five zonal wise strikes from 2nd to 5th December demanding early and reasonable wage settlement. AIRRBEA has decided to be part of the  united movement against the anti bank employee policies of GOI and decided to participate in the nationwide strike on 12th November 2014 in support of the UFBU demands. AIRRBEA has served the notice of strike on GOI, Nabard, Sponsor Banks and all 56 RRB Chairmen on behalf of NFRRBO and NFRRBE. It is learnt that  IBA did not come with any improvement in the offer in the conciliation held today by CLC( central) and called for further talks on 10th. Hence the Strike stands.  But we don’t have any false expectations on 10th also and let us carry forward with our preparations.  GOI is mounting pressure on Public sector bankers by imposing more and more duties like to conduct house hold surveys and to work from 8 am  to 8pm on every Saturday to implement Jan Dhan scheme etc, but throwing deaf ear to the genuine demand of fair wage settlement and other issues.  And GOI / RBI have no guts to control the private / foreign banks to do social banking. We appeal to all our units to ensure total success of the strike in RRBs  and to join with other bankers in the collective programmes. APPEAL TO DONATE TO J&K FLOOD REHABILITAION WORKS Unprecedented floods have rocked the entire Kashmir valley and caused a severe damage to the life and property of the people in the state, biggest in the last fifty years. AIRRBEA has decided to give a call to all our members to donate liberally to PM relief fund.   It is the time, we have to raise to the occasion to extend our helping hand to the needy. We appeal to all our units to write to the respective Managements to arrange for encashing one day PL of all our members and arrange to donate to PM relief fund as above, as our humanitarian gesture.   JOINT CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE MEETING - 24th SEPTEMBER 2014 At last after over three years of gap, the fourth JCC was held at NABARD, Mumbai on 24th September 2014. The Chairman, Nabard took initiative to resume the JCC and also ensured the presence of  Joint Secretary and Deputy Secretary of DFS, Ministry of Finance  as observers in the meeting. The official minuts of JCC are circulated for your information and we don’t agree with the same on many issues. We are taking up again all the issues either classified as closed or under consideration.   AMALGAMATION OF RRBs IN A DIFFERENT METHOD – BY AMENDMENTS TO THE ORIGINAL NOTIFICATIONS OF RRBs GOI has issued two notifications on 21.10.2014 as amendments to the original notifications (dated 31.3.2006 and 24.3.2006) which lead to formation of APGVB and DGB respectively.  In one amendment notification, the name of Deccan Grameena Bank has been changed to Telangana Grameena Bank and the area of operation of such Grameena Bank has been made to include all the districts in Telangana state.   And in the second amendment notification, five districts located in the Telangana state have been omitted from area of operation of APGVB. Unlike in the With these changes number of RRBs remains same at  56. But, results in formation of one more state level RRB in the country, for the newly formed state of Telangana, on the lines of Chattisgad, Uttarakhand, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Kerala. These notifications by themselves do not transfer the branches, head office and other controlling offices located in the five omitted districts of APGVB to TGB. There are about 2000 staff, over Rs. 11000 crores of business, 474 branches, 7 Regional Offices and other departments etc in these five districts. Hence, GOI must issue another notification or administrative order to effect transferring these assets and liabilities with their due valuations. GOI has to notify the location of new Head Office of residual APGVB. Till such time status quo will continue.   Meanwhile, our units in APGVB and DGB are agitated over bringing new RRB under the sponsorship of SBH instead of SBI, against the precedence in amalgamations to retain the sponsor bank of larger RRB. There are various differences in benefits, perks and administrative functioning between two RRBs.   OTHER INFORMATION 1.            Sri.Hansmukh Adhiya from Gujarat Cadre is posted as Secretary, DFS, Ministry of Finance, GOI in the place of Dr. Gururdayal Singh Sandhu. Consequent upon this change the scheduled National review of RRBs on 14th November has been postponed. Also the Scheduled meeting of CMDs of Public Sector banks on 5th has been postponed. 2.            RRBs are under the direct jurisdiction of Smt. Snehalatha Shrivastava, IAS, Additional Secretary, DFS. 3.            RRBs continue to be number one in opening over 75 lac accounts, highest number of basic saving accounts under Jan Dhan scheme among all the banks in the country. Total accounts opened sofar  is  about 6.5 crore accounts  and the performance of all private & foreign banks is dismal.   4.            Sri. Anjaneya Prasad, ED Syndicate Bank had visited Kadapa on 10.10.2014 and addressed all the Branch Managers. Our leaders have met him and submitted a memorandum for early resolution of the pending issues.   5.                  We have attended the Joint General Body meeting of our Pragathi Krishna Grameena bank Officers and Employees units at Bellary on 14th September 2014. The meeting was attended by about 800 members in a disciplined manner and proceedings were concluded with the unanimous election of office bearers of both the units.   6.                  We have visited the Yanam branch of Pudvai Bharateeyar Grameena Bank on 27th September. This RRB is the last one to be established in the country in the year 2008 and it has 29  branches, of which Yanam is located 700 kms away from Head quarter adjoining AP state and one more branch – Mahi is located 500 Kms away adjacent to Calicat in Kerala state. Yanam branch is having only 4  staff members and they are planning to open one more branch in the area.   7.                  We have attended the Regional meeting of our units at Chaithanya Godavari Gr  Bank held at Rajamuncry on 28th September  2014. Though entire staff is totally busy in preparing and uploading the farmers data to the Govt of AP for the Agricultural Debt Relief Scheme announced in the election manifesto of the Government, large number of our staff particularly the young members have attended the  meeting  and heard the history / latest developments of the RRBs.   8.                  Central MP Gr Bank Officers Association was held at Chindawada on 5th October 2014 and was attended by Com. Sagun Shukla, undersigned  and the state leaders of MP. New office bearers have been elected unanimously.   9.            A day of Dharna was staged on 17.10.2014 at Indira Park, Hyderabad at the call of BEFI on the demands of opposing privatization of Banks, particularly the pending privatization bills of RRBs, Nabard and Cooperatives. The other demands were for early fair wage settlement, regularization of temporary employees, for formation of NRBI etc. Members from RRBs, RBI, commercial banks and Nabard participated in the dharna.   10.         Com. H. Nagabhushan Rao and the undersigned have attended the Joint General Body meeting of our units at Pallavan Grama Bank on12th October at Selam, Tamilnadu. New office bearers for the both units have been elected unanimously.   11.              We have met the General Manager, Canara Bank at Benguluru on 13th October along with Com. Ganapathi Hegde, Com. H.N. Rao and other leaders, on various pending issues of Canara Bank sponsored RRBs. We have also attended the Central Labour Tribunal Court in the case of regularization of coolies of Pragathi Krishna Grameena Bank on the same day. 12.              All the temporary employees in the APGVB have formed a Union and registered the same to pursue the welfare and absorption of these employees in to regular employment. They have organized a General Body with over 350 members on 19th October at Suryapet. We have attended the meeting along with all leaders of the units at APGVB and assured all support. With warm greetings. Yours Fraternally,   (S. Venkateswar Reddy)      General Secretary

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Pension Case


               ITEM NO.2 COURT NO.5 SECTION XV

                                S U P R E M E C O U R T O F I N D I A
                                        RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS

               Petition(s) for Special Leave to Appeal (C) No(s). 39288/2012

               (Arising out of impugned final judgment and order dated
               23/08/2012 in DBCSA No. 2021/2011 passed by the High Court Of
               Rajasthan At Jodhpur)

               UNION OF INDIA Petitioner(s)


               GRAMIN BANK PENSIONERS SAMITI & ANR. Respondent(s)
               (with appln. (s) for impleadment as party respondent and interim
               relief and office report) (for final disposal)
               W.P.(C) No. 210/2013
               (With Office Report)

               Date : 29/10/2014 These petitions were called on for hearing

               CORAM :
                            HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE JAGDISH SINGH KHEHAR
                            HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE ARUN MISHRA

               For Petitioner(s) Ms. Pinky Anand, ASG
                                    Ms. Asha G. Nair, Adv.
                                    for Ms. Sushma Suri,AOR(NP)

                                    Mr. C.U. Singh, Sr. Adv.
                                    Mr. C. K. Sasi,Adv.

               For Respondent(s) Dr. Rajeev Dhawan, Sr. Adv.
                                    Ms. Pragati Neekhra, Adv.

                                    Mr. K.K. Rai, Sr. Adv.
                                    Mr. K.T. Anantharaman, Adv.
                                    Mr. Vasudevan Raghavan, Adv.

Signature Not Verified
                                    Mr. Jayant Bhushan, Sr. Adv.
Digitally signed by
                                    Mr. D.S. Chauhan, Adv.
                                    Mr. Siddharth Aggarwal, Adv.
Parveen Kumar Chawla
Date: 2014.10.29
17:14:51 IST

                                    Mr. C.S. Rajan, Sr. Adv.
                                    Mr. B.K. Pal, Adv.

                       Mr. S.B. Upadhyay, Sr. Adv.
                       Mr. Pawan Upadhyay, Adv.
                       Mr. Param Mishra, Adv.

                       Mr. R.S. Hegde, Adv.
                       Ms. Shanti Prakash, Adv.

                       Mr. K.P. Rajagopal, Adv.
                       Mr. T.V. Lakshmana, Adv.
                       Ms. V.S. Lakshmi, Adv.
                       Mr. A. Venayagam Balan,Adv.

                       Ms. Liz Mathew,AOR

           UPON hearing the counsel the Court made the following
                              O R D E R

           Arguments in the matter heard, which remained

inconclusive. The matter remained part-heard.

           For further hearing, the case be listed again on

13.11.2014, as agreed between the learned counsel for the rival


(Parveen Kr. Chawla) (Phoolan Wati Arora)
    Court Master Assistant Registrar

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Notice for Strike 12 Nov 2014

Notice for Strike year 2014

Phone 033 - 25734176
                                                                                                Fax No.033-2573 3252  
Mobile 9831233798 / 9434007694
All India Regional Rural Bank Employees Association
(A Coordinating Body of National Federation of RRB Officers & National Federation of RRB Employees)
Adviser: Ajit Kumar Ghosh GOLDERS GREEN
President: C. Rajeevan Ground Floor F-G Block
Secretary General: A. Sayeed Khan 1 Nazrul Islam Avenue (VIP ROAD)
           Kaikhali Kolkata –700 052

Ref.No.157 Date: -25-10-2014

Dr. G S Sandhu
Department of Financial Services,
Ministry of Finance,
Government of India
Parliament Street, New Delhi.


Sub: - Notice of Strike.

In support to the agitational programmes adopted by the UFBU in regard to the subject matter (demand mentioned here below) and in accordance with the provisions contained in Sub-section 1 of Section 22 of the ID Act, 1947, we hereby give you notice that the members of both the constituents of the AIRRBEA (NFRRBO & NFRRBE) propose to go on one day strike on the 12th November, 2014 in all the RRBs:

Demanding –

This may kindly be treated as NOTICE on behalf of the National Federation of RRB Officers and National Federation of RRB Employees.

With regards
Yours faithfully

(A Sayeed Khan)
Secretary General

 Copy for information to-
The Chairman, NABARD HO, Mumbai.
The General Manager, all Sponsor Banks.
The Chairman, all RRBs.
Our all Units.
The General Secretary, NFRRBO/NFRRBE

(A Sayeed Khan)
Secretary General

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Struggles for Demand of early 10th Bipartite Settlement

Phone 033 - 25734176
                                                                                                Fax No.033-2573 3252  
Mobile 9831233798 / 9434007694
All India Regional Rural Bank Employees Association
(A Coordinating Body of National Federation of RRB Officers & National Federation of RRB Employees)
Adviser: Ajit Kumar Ghosh                                  GOLDERS GREEN
President: C. Rajeevan                     Ground Floor F-G Block
Secretary General: A. Sayeed Khan 1 Nazrul Islam Avenue (VIP ROAD)
                 Kaikhali Kolkata –700 052

Circular No. 55                                                                                   Date: - 17-10-2014

All Units/State Federations/C.C. Members/
Office Bearers/ All others concerned

Dear comrades,

Sub: - Struggles in the matter of demand of early 10th Bipartite Settlement – Circular           of UFBU.

Ref: - UFBU Circular no. UFBU/2014/30 dated 13-10-2014.

We reproduce below the text of the above mentioned UFBU circular for your information and doing the needful.

We shall issue our circular advising details of our stand in the strike and our related task, shortly.

With greetings
Comradely yours

(A Sayeed Khan)
Secretary General

Text of the above said UFBU Circular –

“We had informed our Units; vide our Circular dated 26-09-2014 about the negative approach of the IBA in the negotiations for wage revision. Having regard to the need to express our strong resentment and protest, UFBU has already given the call for observing certain agitational programmes including demonstrations on 17th October, 2014 and for holding Dharnas in various States between 18th and 31st October, 2014. In view of the intermittent festival holidays in various parts of the country, the dates for the strike actions were decided to be finalized later.

In this background, UFBU meeting was held today in Bengaluru to chalk out the programmes and after due deliberations, the following further Programmes have been decided upon:

29th October, 2014Press Meet at all State Capitals and major centers

(Press Note of UFBU, to be released by all the
constituent unions, will be sent in due course)30th October, 2014All India Protest Day
Badge Wearing
Demonstrations/Rallies at all Centers11th November, 2014Centralized Demonstrations at all Centers12th November, 2014ALL INDIA ONE DAY PROTEST STRIKE2nd December, 2014 to
5th December, 2014Relay Zonal StrikesTo be followed byFurther Strikes including Indefinite Strike
It was also decided unanimously by the UFBU to withdraw all types of extra co-operation by workmen/officers with immediate effect and to boycott all meetings called for by the bank managements after normal office hours. The meeting also decided against work.

The schedule of Relay Zonal Strikes is as under:

02.12.2014Southern Zone consisting States of Andhra Pradesh,
Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Telengana and Union
Territories of Lakshadweep and Puducherry.03.12.2014Northern Zone consisting States of Chattisgarh,
Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Madhya
Pradesh, New Delhi, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal,
Rajasthan and Union Territory of Chandigarh04.12.2014Eastern Zone consisting States of Bihar, Jharkhand,
Odisha, Sikkim, West Bengal, North Eastern States and
Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar Islands05.12.2014Western Zone consisting States of Goa, Gujarat,
Maharashtra and Union Territories of Daman & Diu
It is two years since we submitted our charter of demands. While 13 rounds of negotiations have taken place, there is no satisfactory progress in the talks because of the negative attitude of the IBA/Government. Everyone is aware that employees and officers in the banking sector are doing their best to serve the customers and implement various schemes of the Government despite innumerable hardships and difficulties. Yet, the genuine demand for adequate wage revision is being delayed and denied.

Even though we have shown our willingness to adopt a flexible approach in order to finalize the settlement expeditiously, the same is not being reciprocated by the IBA. Thus, once again, we have been pushed to the path of agitation and struggle. We call upon all our unions and members to manifest their resentment and protest through effective implementation of the programmes.

Better and early wage revision – We demand - We deserve.”
With greetings,

UFBU Press Release

Phone 033 - 25734176
                                                                                                Fax No.033-2573 3252  
Mobile 9831233798 / 9434007694
All India Regional Rural Bank Employees Association
(A Coordinating Body of National Federation of RRB Officers & National Federation of RRB Employees)
Adviser: Ajit Kumar Ghosh                                  GOLDERS GREEN
President: C. Rajeevan                     Ground Floor F-G Block
Secretary General: A. Sayeed Khan 1 Nazrul Islam Avenue (VIP ROAD)
                 Kaikhali Kolkata –700 052

Circular No. 56                                                                                   Date: - 18-10-2014

All Units/State Federations/C.C. Members/
Office Bearers/ All others concerned

Dear comrades,

Sub: - UFBU press release to be issued by UFBU constituents on 29-10-2014.

We are forwarding herewith the copy of press statement to be issued by the constituents of the UFBU at important centers of the Country on 29-10-2014 for your information and record.

As stated in our earlier circular our stand on the Strike will be communicated shortly.

With greetings
Comradely yours

(A Sayeed Khan)
Secretary General

UFBU Centre ………..…. / Date: 29-10-2014

All India Bank Strike on 12th November 2014
Relay Zonal Strikes from 2nd to 5th December 2014

Wages and service conditions in the banking sector are governed by the industry-level bipartite settlements signed between the Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) and the workmen unions and officers’ associations operating in the banking industry. All the banks which have given mandate to IBA to negotiate on behalf of them are parties to the settlements. United Forum of Bank Unions (UFBU), representing five workmen unions and four officers’ associations, is currently negotiating with IBA for revision of wages to bank workmen/officers.

The wage revision for bank employees is due from 01.11.2012 subsequent to the expiry of the last Bipartite Settlement on 31.10.2012. The common charter of demands, separately for workmen and officers, were submitted by UFBU to IBA on 30.10.2012 i.e., before the expiry of last bipartite settlement.

UFBU has been requesting, since the start of negotiations, for a time-bound approach to hold the negotiations on its demands and for conclusion of wage settlement within a reasonable time. But the recalcitrant and callous attitude of IBA has inordinately delayed the negotiation process and there is no significant progress in the wage negotiations despite a lapse of nearly two years’ time. The formal negotiations have started in February 2013 and hardly around 13 rounds of discussions have so far taken place between IBA and UFBU resulting in one round of discussion once in two months.

IBA is quoting the reason of non-affordability of banks and is stubborn in its offer of 11% increase in pay slip components, as against the demand of UFBU for a respectable settlement with due consideration of the difficulties that are faced by the employees on account of high rate of inflation, which has eroded the salaries of the employees to a great extent.

Bank employees, workmen and officers, have been performing well despite severe stress due to substantial increase in workload in the banks due to inadequate staff strength and on account of opening of many branches under Financial Inclusion and so on. Bank employees never lagged behind in the successful implementation of all Government sponsored programmes/schemes, including the recently implemented Prime Minister’s Jan Dhan Yojna. In spite of their wholehearted support in implementation of the Government schemes announced from time to time even at high discomfort levels, the bank employees are not being comparatively paid adequately.

Even though the UFBU has shown its willingness to adopt a flexible approach in order to finalise the settlement expeditiously, the same is not being reciprocated by IBA. Thus, once again, bank employees are pushed to the path of agitation and struggle. In the said circumstances, DEMANDING IMMEDIATE SETTLEMENT OF WAGE REVISION FOR BANK EMPLOYEES, it has been decided by UFBU to observe ALL INDIA ONE DAY PROTEST STRIKE ON 12TH NOVEMBER 2014 and RELAY ZONAL STRIKES AS UNDER:

02.12.2014Southern Zone - Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Telengana and Union Territories of Lakshadweep and Puducherry.03.12.2014Northern Zone - Chattisgarh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Madhya Pradesh, New Delhi, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Rajasthan & Union Territory of Chandigarh04.12.2014Eastern Zone - Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, Sikkim, West Bengal, North Eastern States & Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar Islands05.12.2014Western Zone - Goa, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Union Territories of Daman & Diu
We sincerely regret the inconvenience caused on account of strike by bank employees to the esteemed customers / general public and appeal for their moral support to our just cause as the demand of bank employees for adequate wage revision is not only genuine but also most deserving.